Infrequently Noted

Alex Russell on browsers, standards, and the process of progress.


Oh hai.

You were probably sent this link in the hope of receiving Frances Berriman-designed anti-javascript-javascript-club stickers.

Anti JavaScript JavaScript Club

So let's do this lo-fi: plonk your address in the form and, to the best of my abilities – no guarantees – I'll mail you some with the next batch. That could be tomorrow, that could be 3 months from now. It is what it is.


Nobody was unchill enough to acually ask for "Anti JavaScript JavaScript Club" shirts, but we knew you wanted 'em, so Frances is selling them as a fundraiser for our friends at Open Web Advocacy

Get yours here!

Right now I'm sending a few each of the anti-javascript-javascript-club and no-vanity-metrics variety, but if you want to distribute more to a deserving group, make your case in the notes field and let me know how many would cover your situation and how to contact you electronically.