Infrequently Noted

Alex Russell on browsers, standards, and the process of progress.

Notes To A Future Self: Getting Productive On WinXP

Windows XP is truly a horrid desktop OS, particularly if you're a programmer. The default install contains roughly nothing useful, and even getting a development environment going requires grabbing the likes of cygwin, Visual Studio, and a zillion patches from Microsoft.

The truly dispiriting thing, though, is how badly cmd.exe still sucks. I fully admit that my personal programming proclivities are not normal, but to be reasonably productive I need a Unix-like shell, a terminal that works (can be resized, has reasonable VT100 emulation, etc.), and the ability to fix the "Caps Lock" key to do the right thing – namely, have it fire the "Ctrl" key instead. This is all relatively straightforward to do on Linux and OS X. Here's how I got it done with Windows:

Do the MSFT Patch Dance

Make coffee?

Install Cygwin

We've all done it a thousand times. This'll make 1001. It's kind of comforting that the Cygwin home page hasn't changed perceptibly in nearly a decade.

Get SharpKeys

Instead of fugly registry hacks, SharpKeys allows you to map the dreaded and useless "Caps Lock" key to something actually useful. If your key-mapping preferences swing some other way, SharpKeys can likely handle that too. Not sure why it's not built into Windows, frankly.

Set Up Puttycyg

Having cygwin is nice, but having a terrible shell with Cygwin? Not so nice. Enter Puttycyg, a small hack on the venerable Putty SSH client for windows that provides an option to launch a local Cygwin session in lieu of connecting to another system.

Once I extracted it and ensured the Puttycyg directory was in my windows PATH, I created a desktop shortcut to the putty.exe included in the distribution and configured the shortcut (right-click) to read:

"C:\Documents and Settings\slightlyoff\Desktop\puttycyg\putty.exe" -cygterm -

And then set the "Shortcut key:" to be:

Ctrl + Alt + T

Now, whenever I want a fully functional shell from my desktop, I just hit that key combination and it All Works (TM).

Joining Google

Starting next month, I'll be a Googler.

To my great surprise, I've been at SitePen two and a half years. It has been nothing short of wonderful which may explain why it doesn't feel like it has been that long. When I look back at what we've accomplished it's also surprising that we've been able to do all if it in such a short timeframe. Between the huge client projects and re-building Dojo from the ground up, it has been busy bordering on nutty.

It already makes me sad to leave behind working with the SitePen crew, many of whom I helped to hire in and who I count among my closest friends. But I won't be entirely gone. I'll still be contributing to Dojo in my new role, if less frequently. Not that it'll slow the project down any. Pete, Bill, Adam, and Tom have Dojo well in hand and have been driving things forward at a furious rate. Dojo has always been a team effort, and I'm excited about the improvements coming in 1.3. I've gotten a dis-proportionate amount of the credit over the years (and not enough of the blame), and as Dojo evolves from here it will continue to be because companies like SitePen, Uxebu, AOL, and IBM have all been able to contribute to make it happen and that leaders like Pete Higgins have stepped up to lead and teach and learn with the community. My deepest thanks go to Dylan and SitePen for having let me be a part of that process on a daily basis for the last couple of years.

So what could possibly pry me away from such a sweet, sweet gig at SitePen?

In a word, Chrome.

Three years after many of my friends joined Google, the appeal of getting to fix the "web as platform" problem from the inside has finally proven irresistible. There's much to do, and the WebKit platform seems like the best shot that we have (collectively) at forging a future that's not just open, but also markedly better. At SitePen I've had the chance to make the web a better place through Dojo. At Google I'll have a chance to do it from the browser itself.

To the friends I'm leaving, it was a privilege to work with you. To the friends I'm joining, thanks for your trust and faith.

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