Dojo Needs Your Projector (and room, and network, and...)! (updated)
The votes have just come in, and the next set of Dojo Developer Days will be in the San Francisco Bay Area Feb 7-8 or 8-9, but as of now we don't have a venue.
In years past, IBM and AOL have graciously hosted these events, provided network connections and projectors, and generally made us feel at home.
This is where you come in! If you're working at a Bay Area company who is using or otherwise benefits from the work we're doing in Dojo and can spare a room for 20-30 people (with working network) for a couple of days, this is a great chance for you to meet the community of folks building the toolkit, put faces to names, and do your bit to help ensure that Dojo continues to succeed.
If you can spare some space on either of those sets of dates (Feb 7-8 or 8-9), please send me mail.
Update: Our friends at Google and Mozilla have both generously offered their spaces, and so it looks the Feb DDD will be in Mt View. I'll update this post once more once dates and locations are final. Thanks Google/Mozilla!
Update 2: Thanks to Google, Dojo Dev Day will be Feb 7-8th at Google's Mt. View campus. The agenda is being constructed here, and we can use all the help and feedback we can get on what to discuss, particularly if you plan on attending. It's always hard trying to address every concern at these meetings, so now's the time to make your voice heard! We'll be posting logistics details and the RSVP address to that page in the next couple of days.
This DDD is going to rock! Can't wait to see everyone there.