Infrequently Noted

Alex Russell on browsers, standards, and the process of progress.

Comments for Yahoo Pipes Support in Dojo

I tried with the following code:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

 // get news results for Cometd dojo.require(""); // the x-domain magic dojo.require("dojo.debug.console"); // firebug integration{   // grab this URL from the pipe you're interested in   url: "",   mimetype: "text/json",   transport: "ScriptSrcTransport",   jsonParamName: "callback", // aha!   content: {     "_render": "json",     "textinput1": "cometd"   },   load: function(type, data, evt){ dojo.require("dojo.json");  dojo.debug(dojo.json.serialize(arguments));  } });     </script>

But i obtain an "invalid label" error on run line 1, debugging it with firebug. What's wrong?

Hey, thanks for the link, Alex. Pipes is getting faster; here's <a href="'s%20Blog&">your feed</a>, badged up with Pipes and ready to include on the arbitrary page of anyone's choice.
Michele may want to use _callback and not callback (note underscore) as her jsonParamName.
Arrgh, sorry, not sure what happened to that link ... let's try it again:

Here's Alex Russell's Blog, all badgered up and ready to go.

Yes, that was the problem. I don't understand why in Yahoo API it's callback and in Yahoo pipes it's _callback. Anyway, thank you very much!!!

Your archive is not workink

by Alexander Malic at
Pipes is even more powerful now when has the reg exp operator. I'm reading this tutorial ( ) on it, I will use Pipes with the reg exp operator to change the titles of my Flickr pictures.
by Bo Aphran at